Working on a CMS can be tedious, especially if most of the configuration is done in the admin panel. Going to a page by page is time-consuming. In my case I have to update a bunch of sites, to cut down the time of updating them. I create a small script the open all the tabs for me.
Open your bash_profile.
subl `~/.bash_profile
` or you can do
sudo vim ~/.bash_profile
Create an alias/shortcut to open your google chrome
alias chrome="/Applications/Google\\ Chrome"
Now create function with one argument(url/webpage)
function openTab(){
chrome "$1"
Close your .bash_profile, open your terminal and source the file
source ~/.bash_profile
Execute the bash function
Opening multiple URLs and specifying their succeeding path.
function openTab(){
chrome "$1/user" \
"$1/mail" \
"$1/calendar" \
"$1/maps" \
Then I call the function, specifying the domain name as an argument.
I’m sorry for using google as our domain sample. Our argument can take any domain/URLs you put in as many as you can. My function is a bit crazy but useful.
function openTab(){
chrome "$1/user" \
"$1/admin/config/workflow/workflow/manage/node/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/e-resource/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/directory-listing/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/event/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/library-branch/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/news/fields" \
"$1/admin/structure/types/manage/guide/fields" \
"$1/node/add/e-resource" \
"$1/node/add/directory-listing" \
"$1/node/add/event" \
"$1/node/add/library-branch" \
"$1/node/add/news" \
I hope this small scripts can you some day. Chow!!!